Invoice Validation
Business Energy Invoice Validation
With so many things competing for your attention, it’s not surprising that energy bills simply get paid without being properly checked. However, the current economic climate means it’s more important than ever to control your costs, and a simple way of doing this is to ensure you’re being correctly charged for business energy.
Our professional Business Energy Invoice Validation service includes the following:
- Invoices are received directly from suppliers to our offices (or copies if you prefer)
- Validation checks are undertaken with a detailed analysis of each bill, identifying and managing anomalies on your behalf
- We speak to the suppliers to resolve issues and only when we know an invoice is correct do we forward to you for payment. Therefore, you don’t waste time phoning suppliers. We do this on your behalf – if you’re due a refund, we’ll manage a speedy resolution
- Analysis, we are proactive in identifying usage trends and are able to analyse this data to find out whether you could be using energy more efficiently (i.e unusually high usage may be due to equipment being left on or a leak)
Invoice Validation is a cost-effective and easy way to ensure you’re not being over-charged for business energy.
Find out how much money we’ve saved for our clients, or to arrange an informal discussion with one of our energy experts, please contact us
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business energy needs
Find out how much money
we’ve saved for our clients,
or to arrange an informal
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please call 01244 571830